Plasma physics
Key words: Thermal plasma, High energy plasma
When the «IGNITOR» project is implemented, it is expected that Russia and Italy will possess the new technology of controlled thermonuclear fusion and thermonuclear energy, powerful sources of cyclical neutrons, new structural, radiation-resistant and electrotechnical technological materials, robotics, control systems for physical and technological management, and new technological applications for the industrial sector of the economy. In the course of implementing the «IGNITOR» project it is planned to create an educational center for training young specialists in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion and high-tech solutions.
Ignitor is a compact fusion reactor based on the magnetic confinement of high energy plasmas. It is the first experiment proposed and designed to achieve ignition in a fusion reacting plasma.
Ignitor will provide the scientific community with the essential understanding of the physics of fusion burning plasmas, as well as the conditions needed to achieve a controlled, self-sustaining reaction.
This is a necessary step towards demonstrating that a fusion reactor can produce net power, therefore harnessing the attractive, sustainable energy resource that is fusion.